Boye Kicks Back

On Campus

The U of H

This is a picture from the steps leading up to the University of Havana's downtown Campus.  Our lectures were out in the 'hood, but we were happy to visit the venerable old buildings anyhow.

A self-gratifying shot of Lee, Hiromi, and I passing time on the steps of the University of Havana.  Lee has since graduated, and is off in North Korea serving his country.

Cuban Leisure 101

Outdoor Lectures

nuestra habana photographs: studying hard in havana

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This is the Casa de los Liones, named for the pair of marble lions that guard the front door.  This is where we sat and smoked and asked each other "so, what are YOU doing tonight?".  We had a lot of good talks out there, analyzing our Cuban experience.     

Yep, we studied so hard, we took to drinking… and smoking cigars.  Lindsay samples some of Cuba's finest at the famous Bodeguita del Medio.  There was plenty of time for fun between lectures and fieldtrips, but then again, most of us slept less than two hours a night.

Boye had a room at the Casa de los Liones.  This Norweigan native  taught me more about life in havana than I possibly could have gathered in a week and a half.  He had spent the last six months on the island in an intensive Spanish program, for reasons still unclear to me.  When he claimed it was absolutely necessary to have a bit of rum and a small cigar before dinner as an "aperitivo", I had a hard time questioning him.  In the merchant marine, and in previous travels, he had visited over a hundred countries.  Boye told great stories and had interesting insights on life in Cuba.  Doc. Trumbull and him butted horns quite a bit, which added interest to our trip.  He recommended seeing some great parts of the city, and was always helpful when I had a navigational question.  Well, here he is… sitting on the angrier of the two lions.

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