the nuestra habana photo gallery

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Originally, this section was the collaborative work of Lee, Hiromi, Lindsay, Brie, and myself.  I've re-worked the long since defunct, slow-loading pages adding a bit of narration and a few more photos.

For the most part, this section tried to stray away from photos of large groups of girls with their arms around one another. These are pictures of Cuba and Cubans. If we slipped up in a couple of places, we hope you'll forgive our self-gratifications.

While the photos in this gallery are both artsy and splendid (aka amateur), the truth is that they are just the leftovers that we couldn't manage to fit elsewhere. Unfortunately for you, to see our really good shots you have to sift through the mire of our bulky and awkward prose. Yep, once you're done here make sure to do an about face and check out the other sections of this site.

If anyone would like  a higher resolution image for printing, feel free to email me.  I have a digital camera, so as a general rule, the higher resolution ones are my photos.

Here's a good example of one of those self-indulgent shots that I'll try to avoid in this section.  Us with the girls from the University of Pittsburgh.   (I'm on the far left)